I did a great deal of training in 2011 and 2012: there is a lot more to proofreading than looking for spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. Quite a bit of the training was done through the SfEP and this experience proved unexpectedly useful when I was elected training director of the Society. Over the next five years I commissioned, developed and in some cases wrote online training courses, and I'm proud to say the creation of these courses has proved a great success. I calculate that online course attendance has brought in over £0.25m for the Society, which has enabled it to invest in other areas, most notably its bid for chartership. You can see a list of the courses on the SfEP's training page. If nothing else, my knowledge of HTML inreased exponentially, as I was responsible for uploading almost all of the online courses onto the training platform.
 I stepped down from being a director in 2017, and almost immediately afterwards was asked to updae the SfEP Guide on Proofreading Theses and Dissertations.